Swimming pool repair in Geneva : An expert at your service

Swimming pool repair in Geneva : An expert at your service

When you have a pool at home, nothing can be more enjoyable than swimming in its crystal clear waters with family and friends.

However, problems can occur from time to time. The water may become cloudy, algae may develop, limescale may build up, or the filtration pump may block. So it's essential to know how to troubleshoot your pool effectively, so you can enjoy your swim as much as possible.

What are the most common problems in a pool?

The first problem pool owners face is the accumulation of impurities in the pool water. Dirt, leaves, insects, and microorganisms cause hygiene problems and can make the water cloudy. To combat this, it is important to regularly filter the pool water.

Filtration is the process of removing impurities from water using a filtration system such as sand filters or cartridge filters. Cartridges and sand filters must be washed regularly to prevent dirt build-up.

Clean your pool

The second common problem in swimming pools is the accumulation of algae in the water. Algae are tiny aquatic plants that grow in pools. It can turn the pool water green and give an unpleasant odor. To control algae, pool owners should use algaecides and shock chlorine to thoroughly clean the pool walls and bottom.

The third problem is limescale. Limescale is a white deposit that adheres to the water line and the walls of the pool. This can reduce the quality of the water and make it cloudy. To remove limescale, it is important to use special treatment products, such as flocculants and anti-limescale products.

The fourth common problem in swimming pools is green water. Green water is usually caused by algae growth, but it can also be the result of improper pH balance or insufficient chlorine levels. To combat green water, it is important to regularly check the pH and chlorine levels and to treat the pool water with appropriate treatment products.

Adjusting the right level of chlorine in your pool

To ensure optimal efficiency, it is important to regularly check the chlorine and stabilizer levels in the pool.

The sixth common problem with pools is winterization. When homeowners close their pools for the winter, problems often arise. Algae growth often occurs in pools that are not properly winterized. Therefore, it is important for homeowners to follow winterization instructions to avoid any water quality problems.

Finally, the seventh common problem in swimming pools is the discharge valve. A blocked discharge valve can cause problems with filtration and water quality. Therefore, pool owners should check the discharge valve regularly and clean it if necessary.

Pool repair service

How to repair a leak in the pool?

The first step in repairing a leak in your pool is to locate the source of the leak. This can be a difficult task, as leaks can occur in many parts of the pool, including pipes, fittings, joints or even the pool lining.

In many cases, you will need to drain the pool to the level of the leak in order to perform accurate leak detection. To detect a leak in your pool, you can use several methods. One method is to perform a thorough visual inspection of the entire pool, including the filtration system, to check for signs of leakage.

You can also use methods such as dyes to identify leaking areas in the pool water.

If you are unable to locate the leak, you can call in a professional leak detector.

How to repair your pool filter?

When your pool starts to have cloudy water, it's time to check the filtration system. If the filter is out of order, it can cause problems in the water quality. Pool filters are essential for removing impurities and maintaining a hygienic swimming environment. Several types of pool filters are available on the market, such as sand filters, cartridge filters, and diatomaceous earth filters.

The sand filter is the most common, using a tank filled with sand to filter out dirt and impurities from the water. The cartridge filter is based on a similar filtration system, but with a filter cartridge.

The diatomaceous earth filter is considered to be the finest in terms of filtration. Before repairing your filter, it is necessary to understand how your filtration system works and to identify the source of the problem.

If your filter is clogged, it is possible that dirt is accumulating inside the cartridge or sand. In this case, the filter can no longer effectively filter the pool water and must be cleaned. To clean the cartridge filter, you must remove the cartridge and rinse it with clean water to remove the impurities.

If you don't know how to repair your filter, you can contact a professional to help you.

How do I replace the liner?

When your pool liner is damaged, it may need to be replaced to keep the pool watertight. The first step in replacing the liner is to drain the pool water and remove the old liner.

It's important to check the pool walls to make sure they're in good condition and that there are no leaks. Once the walls have been inspected, it's time to prepare the new liner. There are different types of liner, such as reinforced PVC, reinforced membrane or polyester shell. The choice of liner type depends on budget, desired durability and aesthetics.

When installing the liner, it is best to proceed in stages, avoiding wrinkles and making sure to maintain good tension on the liner to avoid distortion. Once the new liner is installed, it's time to check the pool for leaks. It is important to check every corner, every flange and every joint to avoid any water leakage.

Liner installation can be done by a professional or by an experienced homeowner. It is important to follow NF standards to ensure the safety of the pool and its users.

How to replace a defective roller shutter for your pool?

A pool roller shutter is a practical and useful piece of equipment for protecting your pool. It helps keep your pool safe from the risk of drowning, but it can sometimes break down or be damaged.

If you are looking to replace a defective roller shutter on your pool, here are some things to consider. First, it is important to determine the source of the roller shutter failure. If you have a motorized roller shutter, it may be a problem with the roller shutter motor or a failure in the roller shutter remote control.

Change of manual and automatic roller shutter for his pool

If the roller shutter is manual, it may be due to a problem with the crank or the roller shutter strap. Once you have identified the cause of your pool roller shutter failure, you may want to consider replacing some parts or changing your roller shutter completely.

If you opt for the latter, there are several criteria to consider in order to find the most suitable roller shutter for your pool. The most important element to consider is the material of the pool roller shutter.

Depending on your preferences and budget, you can choose a PVC, aluminum or composite roller shutter. PVC is an economical material, easy to maintain and weather resistant. Aluminum offers greater strength, better thermal and sound insulation, and durability over time.

In summary, replacing a defective roller shutter on your pool requires careful consideration in order to choose the most suitable model for your installation.

It is also advisable to use a professional installer to install and commission your new pool cover.

Don't hesitate to request free quotes to compare prices and find the solution that fits your budget.

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By |2023-04-26T11:06:17+00:00April26, 2023|blog|0 comment

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